It seemed only suiting to awaken to a gray and dreary morning as emptiness and discouragement filled my soul this am. Donald Trump has won the presidency. My heart yearns for a leader who inspires the best out of people and unfortunately our next president does not uphold that trait. My heart saddened for our future generations who during this time of economic and climatic turmoil, we need leaders who encourage our love and support for one another, the environment, and our future. Many will disagree. This was proven via the polls last night. And congrats to them. But for me personally my disillusionment for this entire election cycle has been brought about due to the lack of any candidate that I truly and completely look up to. Neither filled that definition for me, but with Trump winning the hatred and disparity that he represents seems to be what is glaringly painful to accept. After hours of quiet, heartbreaking solitude I was finally led to something positive. I am done waiting for these leaders to break the cycle. To improve the broken systemic flaws that are impacting everyone daily. I have been feeling this way for sometime but this morning something that was holding me back, broke. I finally gained courage and felt empowered to do something. I emailed a list of people who run groups that I believe are impacting the world in a good way- I thanked them. I asked how I could help. I looked into some volunteer opportunities with non-profits that are at the ground floor making an impact. I took a serious look at the list of places I am applying for full time work and narrowed the list to things that my heart knows is for good. The Bernie Sanders movement showcased the strength and empowerment that can come from individuals taking a stand for things they believe in. Why should that stop during election cycles? Why do that only apply to getting someone in office? What if everyone took a few hours from their week and donated time, energy, their work, their resources, their signatures, or their voice to a cause that they felt would actually better the world from a grassroots perspective? What might happen if everyone who complains about the state of issues made baby steps towards remedying the issues we say we are so concerned about? For me personally this boils down to how can I aid the environment? How can I positively impact climate change? How can I do this on a community level, not just a personal household level? How can I support the education system nearby? How can I aid with the impoverished and homeless in my area? What can I do to support issues like Standing Rock? Where can I best impact NAACP and racial disparity issues? How can I help get healthy food in the hands of the poor? How can I aid with the lack of nutritional education that is so painstakingly missing and is leading to so much pain and disease in so many? Who can I correct when they say something hateful or bigoted - in hopes of improving our division as humans? I am done feeling like a lost sheep looking for a shepard. It is time to truly embrace what grassroots mean and start building the world I want to live in. Waiting for someone else to do it will continue to drain my naive and hopeful heart. So on this gloomy, leaderless, hope crushing day...I am trying to find a leader in myself. Maybe I can become what I so desperately want to see leading others. Maybe I can even inspire a few others to join in.
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September 2017